
This blog is aimed to provide writing and graphic design service. There are links to my articles on this blog. If you like the articles, you can request for your article with your own topics at affordable price. Below are breakdown of my services and the price attached.
  • Simple Plan 250-300 word article = 1500    2day
  • Silver Plan.   300-400 word article = 2000    2days
  • Bronze Plan. 400-600 word article = 3000     2days
  • Gold Plan.     601=750 word article = 3500.   3days
  • Platinum Plan.  751 = 1000 word article = 4000   3days
  • Special Plan   1001- 2000 word article  =  4700 4days
For those whose work is urgent, there will be an urgent fee charged on work that is delivered before the deadline.
I also work with clients who want the service on a long term contract. You can contact me for details. 08180293036
The more work you demand, the more the discount you enjoy.

Here is a Link to some of my articles


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